ScandiMate ApS
Arbejdspladsen ligger i Aarhus kommune
Vigtige datoer:
Oprettet:6. januar 2025
Ansøgningsfrist:1. maj 2025
Virksomheden tilbyder
Almindelige vilkår
Kontakt person
Alexander James Nissen-Ripley
Primary: 53323252
ScandiMate ApS
Sonnesgade 9, 1 th
8000 Aarhus C
Annoncen er hentet fra Jobnet
Annonce ID
B2B Key Account Manager – Recruit for Companies in Australia, New Zealand & Canada – Join a growing Start-Up in the Travel Industry! Danish/English
Vil du være med til at forbinde danske håndværkere med førende byggevirksomheder i Australien, New Zealand og Canada? Er du stærk til at opbygge relationer, drive salget og skabe værdi for kunderne? Så er det dig, vi leder efter!
Om rollen
Som B2B Key Account Manager bliver du ansvarlig for at servicere vores B2B-kunder i byggebranchen – alt fra tømrervirksomheder i New Zealand til entreprisefirmaet i Sydney! Du vil hjælpe med at onboarde B2B-kunderne på vores egen platform, hvor de kan se og vælge B2C-kunderne (de rejsende håndværkere – Nemlig vores ”ScandiMate’s”).
Du er med andre ord med på hele B2B-kundernes rejse, fra indledende møde til og onboarding, til at være primære kontaktperson der skal vedligeholde relationen. Du er den første medarbejder i denne rolle og overtager stille og roligt arbejdsopgaverne fra stifteren af virksomheden.
Din succes afhænger af din evne til at forstå kundernes behov og sikre høj kundetilfredshed, samt at skabe tillid fra første møde.
Dine primære opgaver inkluderer:
- Opbygge og vedligeholde stærke relationer til vores B2B-kunder i Australien, New Zealand og Canada.
- Identificere og opsøge nye kunder i målgruppen.
- Rådgive kunderne om vores ydelser og sikre, at de får den rette arbejdskraft.
- Deltage i forhandlinger og udviklingen af afdelingen.
- Arbejde tæt sammen med resten af holdet for at sikre den rette match mellem firma og kandidater.
Vi søger dig, der:
- Har erfaring med B2B-salg og gerne inden for internationale markeder.
- Er en dygtig kommunikator, der kan bygge tillid og skabe langvarige relationer.
- Har en stærk forståelse for behovene i byggebranchen eller tidligere har været rekrutteringsbranchen? (erfaring fra branchen er en fordel, men ikke et krav).
- Taler og skriver flydende engelsk – VIGTIGT - Måske har du boet i udlandet?
- Er selvkørende, struktureret og resultatorienteret.
Vi tilbyder:
- En spændende stilling i et Start-Up med internationalt fokus.
- Mulighed for at rejse og møde kunder på deres hjemmemarkeder.
- Et lille, men engageret team, der hjælper dig med at opbygge en helt ny afdeling!
- Mulighed for at sætte dit aftryk på afdelingen og hvem ved? Måske opbygge den som afdelingsleder?
- Massere af ansvar!
Om os
Vi er specialiseret i at forbinde danske håndværkere med virksomheder i udlandet og hjælper med at fra visum, fly, bolig, fællesskab mv. Vi giver unge håndværkere imellem 18-35år, deres livseventyr og det er vi stolte af!
Lyder dette som noget for dig? Send din ansøgning og CV i dette link!
Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!
B2B Key Account Manager – Recruit for Construction Companies in Australia, New Zealand & Canada – Join a Start-Up in the Travel Industry!
Do you want to help connect Danish tradesmen with leading construction companies in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada? Are you skilled at building relationships, driving sales, and creating value for customers? Then you might be the one we’re looking for!
About the Role
As a B2B Key Account Manager, you will be responsible for serving our B2B customers in the construction industry – from carpentry firms in New Zealand to Bricklaying companies in Sydney and everything in between! You will assist in onboarding B2B customers onto our own platform, where they can browse and select B2C customers (the traveling tradesmen – our "ScandiMates").
In other words, you’ll be part of the entire B2B customer journey – from the initial meeting and onboarding to being their primary contact person, ensuring the ongoing relationship. You’ll be the first employee in this role and will gradually take over tasks from the company’s founder.
Your success will depend on your ability to understand customer needs, ensure high customer satisfaction, and build trust from the very first meeting.
Your primary responsibilities include:
- Building and maintaining strong relationships with our B2B customers in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
- Identifying and reaching out to new potential customers within the target group.
- Having sales/onboarding meetings with inbound leads.
- Advising customers about our services and ensuring they get the right workforce.
- Participating in negotiations and contributing to the development of the department.
- Collaborating closely with the team to ensure the perfect match between companies and candidates.
We are looking for someone who:
- Has experience with B2B sales, ideally within international markets.
- Is an excellent communicator who can build trust and establish long-lasting relationships.
- Has a solid understanding of the construction industry or a background in recruitment (experience in these fields is an advantage but not a requirement).
- Speaks and writes fluent English – crucial! Perhaps you’ve lived abroad? Or maybe you’re even a native English speaker?
- Is self-driven, structured, and results-oriented.
We offer:
- An exciting role in a start-up with an international focus.
- Opportunities to travel and meet customers in their home markets.
- A small but dedicated team that will support you in building a completely new department.
- The chance to leave your mark on the department – and maybe even grow into a leadership role.
- Plenty of responsibility!
About Us
We specialize in connecting Danish tradesmen with companies abroad, offering support with everything from visas and flights to housing and community-building. We provide young tradesmen aged 18-35 with the adventure of a lifetime – and we’re proud of it!
How to Apply
Does this sound like the opportunity for you? Send your application and CV via this link!
We look forward to hearing from you!